
Monday, February 10, 2014

Etude House Aloe Moistfull Soothing Lotion

I was walking around Paradigm Mall after dinner with one of my girl friends when we spotted Etude House having sale.  Us being us, we couldn't resist having a look at what's on sale when we saw the buy one free one sign.  I was facing some breakouts (this was back in early/ mid 2013) and was uncertain what was the cause of it but I knew I needed something to counteract it, so I decided on the products below:  

Today, I'll be focusing on the Aloe Moistfull Soothing Lotion.  

First thing that I want to talk about is the packaging.  It comes in a glass bottle.  Yes, the whole bottle is glass.  Although it does lend a luxurious feel to the product, I have to say I was a little scared whenever I use it.  I worried that I would either accidentally dropped the bottle and it shatters, or I accidentally knock it down and it... shatters.... yes, it is quite freaky to me, me being clumsy and all.  Nonetheless, I do brave on and use it.... (and later on, I decanted it into a different bottle, which I will write about it in another post).

Also, because it is a glass bottle, it is quite hefty.  Now, I love the feel of it, but when you combine it with a big nozzle (yes, it doesn't come with a pump), I have to say, I dislike it.  Why?  Because I can't control the amount that I pour out due to the heftiness of the bottle.  A heavier tilt gives me too much of the lotion whereas the a lighter tilt does me naught.  

As this is a lotion, I tend to use it during the day, and on alternate use for night as my skin is not able to use cream on a daily basis.   Don't ask me how, but there's a tinge of green that comes with it.  Usually for me, I see aloe as something that's non-coloured, but here, it carries a light tinge of green.  It's okay, just, green... haha...

 In terms of texture, I like the fact that it wasn't too liquid nor too thick.  You can see from the picture.  That is from one drop from the bottle.  However, as I mentioned earlier, tilting it correctly will determine the amount of the lotion on your hand.  I do have to be careful whenever I pour it out due to the heftiness of the bottle.  I like its texture.  It feels liquidy upon application and gets absorbed into the skin fairly quickly, without leaving my skin feeling sticky.

Well, I'm fairly surprised that it does work.  Somehow, I think my skin gravitates to korean products, which caters for Asian skin.  It doesn't cause my skin to have oil seeds (it happens when a product is too rich) and leaves my skin feeling supple and nice.   Although I was using it with tea tree oil, I find that it's not as dry as before and my skin stopped feeling tight, and feels just right.  I also don't have to worry about over applying as it's more of a watery base and it wasn't too rich on my face.

I'm now left with only a little of the product and am looking to restock soon.  Hopefully, there'll be another promotion of a similar sort =D

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