Here's some of the info of the event:
"The Key To Life, The Code to Youth"
Date: 16th May (Sunday)
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kuala Lumpur.
No. of pax: 11 bloggers+ Miu
F&B provided
As I was browsing the website of Life Code, what really attracts me is their Natural Organic Make Up. Here's some of the info that they shared:
Before Life Code, women have been harmfully treating their skin with day-time make-up; night time they need to remove make-up hen only start the skin care routine.
Gradual aging in this context is still inevitableas having failed to protect and improve skin day and night...
Gradual aging in this context is still inevitableas having failed to protect and improve skin day and night...
To turn it around, Life Code Anti-Aging cosmetic series shall be the most prudent choice as it makes-up and repair skin simultaneously.
- 1-minute anti-wrinkle lipstick
- 3-minutes deep refiner eye shadow
- Anti-spot, pore minimizing liquid foundation
- Anti-speckle blush
- Anti-wrinkle eye shadow
- ST foundation cake, ST loose powder that shield electromagnetic wave of mobile phone and computer radiation
Isn't it cool? I'm always interested in make up and although I've heard of the rave of Organic Make Up items, this is definitely an opportunity to try first hand! What's more, I love the idea that it help to repair skin simultaneously @.@
Another interesting item that I saw at the website is this, " Edible Cosmetic Series". My eyes actually went huge when I saw the word Edible Cosmetic. As I was reading it, it's actually quite interesting!
Life Code ST Factor is enriched with exclusive Italian virgin loyal jelly extract as an active raw material. It is a special active virtue from our mother earth - - 10-HDA, the only super anti-oxidant natural agent found on earth. When observed under a microscopic laboratory test, ST Factor rapidly increases micro-circulation and oxygen cells to 0.5~1 time in 15 minutes. The global advance medical research experts consider it as an effective anti-aging natural microorganism factor in this present.
Some of the items that really caught my eye
The colours are sooo pretty *hearts*

ST (Super Telomerase) Factor : An Anti-Aging Cellular Supplement
Life Code ST Factor is enriched with exclusive Italian virgin loyal jelly extract as an active raw material. It is a special active virtue from our mother earth - - 10-HDA, the only super anti-oxidant natural agent found on earth. When observed under a microscopic laboratory test, ST Factor rapidly increases micro-circulation and oxygen cells to 0.5~1 time in 15 minutes. The global advance medical research experts consider it as an effective anti-aging natural microorganism factor in this present.
- Activate inner body hormones, regenerate hormones secretion.
- Continuously consume for 10 consecutive days for fair, soft and smooth elastic skin surface.
- Improve the menopause phenomenon and delay the menopause period.
- Enhance biological functions in both man and woman, enhance happier love life.
Ingredients: Complex Royal Jelly, 10-HDA, Free Active Fatty Acid, Active Human Growth Hormones, Globulin Protein, Proline, Active Ribonuclease such as Ribonucleic Acid RNA, etc.
What really attracts me are the ingredients listed. I always have this attraction to the word Royal Jelly and it seems that it's always associated with beauty care too.
Do hope I'll have a chance to go with Miu Miu =D